
Peer reviewed papers

Breznau, Nate, et al. 2022. Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(44). article

Williams, Christopher J. and Sophia Hunger. 2022. How challenger party issue entrepreneurship and mainstream party strategies drive public issue salience: evidence from radical-right parties and the issue of immigration. European Political Science Review, online first. article

Gessler, Theresa, and Sophia Hunger. 2022. How the Refugee Crisis and Radical Right Parties Shape Party Competition on Immigration. Political Science Research and Methods 10(3), 524-544. article, replication material

Hunger, Sophia and Fred Paxton. 2022. What’s in a Buzzword? A Systematic Review of the State of Populism Research in Political Science. Political Science Research and Methods 10(3), 617-633. article replication material

Borbáth, Endre, Sophia Hunger, Swen Hutter, and Ioana-Elena Oana. 2021. Civic and Political Engagement during the Multifaceted COVID-19 Crisis. Swiss Political Science Review 27, 311-324. article, replication material

Hunger, Sophia, and Swen Hutter. 2021. Fridays for Future in der Corona-Krise. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 34(2): 218-234. article

Hunger, Sophia. 2018. No naturalization, no participation? The influence of citizenship regimes and naturalization on immigrants’ political incorporation on national and individual level. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 12: 279 – 296. article

Contributions to edited volumes

Sophia Hunger and Julia Schulte-Cloos. 2021. Outcomes - Government Responsiveness. In: Bojar, Abel, Swen Hutter, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Theresa Gessler (Eds.): Contentious episodes in the age of austerity. Studying the dynamics of government-challenger interactions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hanspeter Kriesi and Sophia Hunger. 2021. The characteristics of the episodes. Bojar, Abel, Swen Hutter, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Theresa Gessler (Eds.): Contentious episodes in the age of austerity. Studying the dynamics of government-challenger interactions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bojar, Abel, Swen Hutter, and Sophia Hunger. 2021. Selecting and coding contentious episodes. In: Bojar, Abel, Swen Hutter, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Theresa Gessler (Eds.): Contentious episodes in the age of austerity. Studying the dynamics of government-challenger interactions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hanspeter Kriesi, Swen Hutter, Abel Bojar, Argyrios Altiparmakis, Theresa Gessler, Sophia Hunger, Katia Pilati and Julia Schulte-Cloos. 2021. Introduction: A new approach for studying political contention – contentious episode analysis. Bojar, Abel, Swen Hutter, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Theresa Gessler (Eds.): Contentious episodes in the age of austerity. Studying the dynamics of government-challenger interactions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hunger, Sophia and Jasmine Lorenzini. 2020. All quiet on the protest scene? – Action repertoires in Europe during the Great Recession. In: Hanspeter Kriesi, Jasmine Lorenzini, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Wueest (Eds.): Contention in times of crises. Comparing political protest in 30 European countries, 2000-2015, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Other publications

Grande, Edgar, Sophia Hunger, Swen Hutter, Eylem Kanol und Daniel Saldivia Gonzatti. 2022. Der harte Kern der Proteste Viele der mit den Corona-Maßnahmen Unzufriedenen tolerieren Radikalität und Gewalt., WZB-Mitteilungen (176), 21-24.

Hunger, Sophia. 2021. Carrera reñida, largas negociaciones por delante y verdes y liberales como partidos bisagra., El País online.

Hunger, Sophia. 2021. Close Race, Long Negotiations ahead and Greens and Liberals as Kingmakers, Agenda pública - Analistas de la actualidad.

Hunger, Sophia, Teresa Völker, and Daniel Saldivia Gonzatti. 2021. Der Verlust der Vielfalt. Die Corona-Proteste in Deutschland werden durch eine radikale Minderheit geprägt., WZB-Mitteilungen (172), pp. 30-32.

Grande, Edgar, Swen Hutter, Sophia Hunger and Eylem Kanol. 2021. Alles Covidioten? Politische Potenziale des Corona-Protests in Deutschland. No. ZZ 2021-601. WZB Discussion Paper.

Hunger, Sophia and Swen Hutter. 2020. Online Strikes with the Usual Suspects. How Fridays for Future Has Coped with the Covid-19 Pandemic. LSE EUROPP Blog - European Politics and Policy.

Hunger, Sophia and Swen Hutter. 2020. Protest in der Corona-Krise. Der Netzstreik fürs Klima. Coronavirus and Its Societal Impact - Highlights from WZB Research.

Hutter, Swen, Endre Borbàth, and Sophia Hunger. 2020. The Political Consequences of Crisis. Lessons Learned from the Great Recession. Coronavirus and Its Societal Impact - Highlights from WZB Research.

Hunger, Sophia. 2019. Book review: Koen Vossen, The Power of Populism: Gert Wilders and the Party For Freedom in the Netherlands. e-Extreme, Newsletter of the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism \& Democracy.

Hunger, Sophia and Theresa Gessler. 2018. Same same but different? Germany’s way to a new-old grand coalition. Blog Post for the Party systems and governments observatory.